Hey, everyone, this is the 10th post here, the last post. No matter how many time you watch my blog, I am very happy that I can have a chance to share these TV programs with you. I know some of you didn't hear reality show before my introduction, hoping my blog can make all of you know what it is, and how interesting it is.
I know it just like one kind of variety shows, which is very common in Taiwan; however, they still have some deviations. In these foreign shows, you can watch fierce competitions or some dramatical dispute between contestants, all these things are the true sight of humans. In most of these shows the cast are normal people, not stars, this will make the show more interesting because they will try their best to win the reward, and sometimes it will form some reality show stars, if you can make very good program effects, they will bring you to other competition shows. It often happens between Survivor, Big brother, and The amazing race.
Sadly, reality competition shows are not very famous in Taiwan. Many programs we can only watch on the internet without translation, but this is also a good way to practice English.
At the very end, thanks for you to watch my blog!!
Reality competition show
2015年12月3日 星期四
2015年11月26日 星期四
Week 9 : Survivor
Survivor is like a tough version of Big brother, the eliminated contestant are determined by the votes from other contestant, so do the winner of the season.
Contestants will be divided into 2~4 tribes, by gender, race, age or random. They need to live in their camp where is in the wild with nothing, won't contact with other tribe except in challenge. They need to make their own shelter, make fire, catch their food only by their own. A season will hold for about one mouth.
The tribe will change sometimes in the competition, contestents may switch their tribe and in the middie of a season the tribes will merge together.
Contestents are fight for reward, tribe or individual immunity in challenges.
Tribal council
When there are still two or more tribes exist, only the team not win the immunity need to hold a tribal council to voted out one of their tribe member. When the tribes are merge, everyone need to attend the tribal council, only the person have individual immunity safe from eliminated.
Hidden immunity idol
The hidden immunity idol will hide near the camp or in the challenge, once you find it you need to keep it as a secret. Since it is so powerful, in tribal council before the host to reveal the votes you can use the hidden immunity idol to cancle any votes vote to you to protect yourself.
Contestants will be divided into 2~4 tribes, by gender, race, age or random. They need to live in their camp where is in the wild with nothing, won't contact with other tribe except in challenge. They need to make their own shelter, make fire, catch their food only by their own. A season will hold for about one mouth.
The tribe will change sometimes in the competition, contestents may switch their tribe and in the middie of a season the tribes will merge together.
Contestents are fight for reward, tribe or individual immunity in challenges.
Tribal council
When there are still two or more tribes exist, only the team not win the immunity need to hold a tribal council to voted out one of their tribe member. When the tribes are merge, everyone need to attend the tribal council, only the person have individual immunity safe from eliminated.
Hidden immunity idol
The hidden immunity idol will hide near the camp or in the challenge, once you find it you need to keep it as a secret. Since it is so powerful, in tribal council before the host to reveal the votes you can use the hidden immunity idol to cancle any votes vote to you to protect yourself.
2015年11月18日 星期三
Week 8 : Big brother
This show's name comes from George Orwell's dystopian novel 1984. In Big brother (U.S.) contestants are called houseguests, they will live in a house with many cameras and microphones to record their every move and every south for all the season (In season17 there are 17 houseguests and the day last for 98), viewers can use the live feeds to monitor everythings in the house. They are isolated from the outside world, they don't have T.V , Internet and cellphone. They will compete in servial competitions in order to gain the power, every week one houseguest will be evicted. In the finale, the last 7 or 9 evicted houseguests will form the jury to decide the winner.
Head of Household Competition
This is the most important competition in big brother, the winner will be this week's Head of Household(HOH), HOH need to nominated two houseguests and will have the right to live in a special room with the monitor of the house.
Power of Veto Competition
Winner of Power of veto(POV) can choose whether to use veto to save one contestent on the block, if veto is use the HOH need to renominated another contestent (winner of veto is safe).
Live eviction
Houstguest will vote who he/she want to be evicted more. The nominee who gets more votes will be evicted.
So, in one week the life in the house will go in a regular way:
HOH > nomination ceremony > POV > veto ceremony > live eviction > HOH .........
But the game is not such simple, there are many twist will make the game more interesting. You might think to win this game the ability to win competition is most important; however, the most crucial part is the social ability, you can't hold the power all the time but you can make yourself not be nominated all the season.
After all, that is very interesting to watch houseguest to compete in various competitions and form many alliance.
2015年11月12日 星期四
Week 7 : Top chef
Top chef
Top chef is a cooking competition for professional chefs, you may think that it sounds similar to Master chef which I introduced last week. Yes, they have a lot of things in common; however, both of them has its own characteristic.
Each episode of Top chef have two task:
Quick fire
In this competition chefs normally need to prepare one dish, the winner will win some prizes like the immunity.
Elimination challenge
It is a respectively harder task, chefs will have hours to prepare. What they have to represent are some delicate dishes.
What's the difference between Top chef and Master chef?
The most important one is the contestants, professional and amateur. These point will effect many things in the program. Master chef's task are easier, they typically only need to prepare one dish; while, in Top chef they need to prepare formal dish for dozens of people or snacks for hundreds of people by their own.
In Master chef you can watch contestents' growth, look their skills getting stronger. However, Master chef is said to be too entertainment, sometimes they will choose to save who can attract more viewers than who seem to do a better job. In this point, I think Top chef is more proper in judgement.
Top chef master
All contestents are award-winning chef, all have the capability to being a judge in Top chef, so the level is very high, and very interesting.
Top chef just desserts
Desserts version of top chef.
Top chef is a cooking competition for professional chefs, you may think that it sounds similar to Master chef which I introduced last week. Yes, they have a lot of things in common; however, both of them has its own characteristic.
Each episode of Top chef have two task:
Quick fire
In this competition chefs normally need to prepare one dish, the winner will win some prizes like the immunity.
Elimination challenge
It is a respectively harder task, chefs will have hours to prepare. What they have to represent are some delicate dishes.
What's the difference between Top chef and Master chef?
The most important one is the contestants, professional and amateur. These point will effect many things in the program. Master chef's task are easier, they typically only need to prepare one dish; while, in Top chef they need to prepare formal dish for dozens of people or snacks for hundreds of people by their own.
In Master chef you can watch contestents' growth, look their skills getting stronger. However, Master chef is said to be too entertainment, sometimes they will choose to save who can attract more viewers than who seem to do a better job. In this point, I think Top chef is more proper in judgement.
Top chef master
All contestents are award-winning chef, all have the capability to being a judge in Top chef, so the level is very high, and very interesting.
Top chef just desserts
Desserts version of top chef.
2015年11月5日 星期四
Week 6 : Master Chef
Master chef (U.S.)
This is an interesting cooking competition, contestants are all home cook. Every two episode they will undergo these four test (each episode have two task and in the end someone will be eliminated)
Mystery Box Challenge : Contestents need to open a box of unknown ingredients, and they need to prepare one stunning dish only use ingredients within to please the judge. The winner of this round will have advantages like immunities or the power to assign everyone's task in the elimination test, which means that he/she can try to make his/her biggest enemy have the worst situation.
Elimination Test : This round will have a specific theme and the choice of ingredients is free from the pantry.
Team Challenge : The winners of last episode's elimination test have the right to choose his/her teammates, in this challenge they need to prepare a lot of food for customers. Who win who lose are all decided by these customers, so the team has the most delicate dish may not win, the most important thing is to grab customers' love.
Pressure Test : Only the losing team's members need to compete in this test(sometimes judges will immune some contestants who doing well in the team challenge), the person who did worst will be eliminated.
It also have another series Master chef junior (U.S.)
This is an interesting cooking competition, contestants are all home cook. Every two episode they will undergo these four test (each episode have two task and in the end someone will be eliminated)
Mystery Box Challenge : Contestents need to open a box of unknown ingredients, and they need to prepare one stunning dish only use ingredients within to please the judge. The winner of this round will have advantages like immunities or the power to assign everyone's task in the elimination test, which means that he/she can try to make his/her biggest enemy have the worst situation.
Elimination Test : This round will have a specific theme and the choice of ingredients is free from the pantry.
Team Challenge : The winners of last episode's elimination test have the right to choose his/her teammates, in this challenge they need to prepare a lot of food for customers. Who win who lose are all decided by these customers, so the team has the most delicate dish may not win, the most important thing is to grab customers' love.
Pressure Test : Only the losing team's members need to compete in this test(sometimes judges will immune some contestants who doing well in the team challenge), the person who did worst will be eliminated.
It also have another series Master chef junior (U.S.)
2015年10月28日 星期三
Week 5 : The Amazing Race (3)
This is my last article talk about the amazing race. I have introduced this show last two week, and today I'm going to talk about different countries' version and the reason why I like it.
In addition to the U.S. version (the original and the longest version), there are about 12 versions ever existed, like Asia, Australia, Latin ... (no longer in production) and China, Canada, Israel, and Philippines (still in production). Different versions are roughly the same, but they may have some special items and rules or may not go outside the country due to the funds. Like voting U-Turn (the team be u-turned was determined by the vote from all teams) and Face Off (teams need to compete against other teams, the winner can go while the loser need to wait another team and compete again ).
Sadly, Taiwan have no official version, there are only fans edition which is an activity made by the fans of reality show.
In the show we can see many beautiful landscape and understand unique custom, sometimes we can
see contestant learning the local traditional techniques, eating their food or we can watch the real life the locals have. Watch this just like have a trip around the world, the real funny part of it can be experienced only by watch it. If you have time, I really recommend you to watch it.
Here's another episode shoot in Taiwan:
In addition to the U.S. version (the original and the longest version), there are about 12 versions ever existed, like Asia, Australia, Latin ... (no longer in production) and China, Canada, Israel, and Philippines (still in production). Different versions are roughly the same, but they may have some special items and rules or may not go outside the country due to the funds. Like voting U-Turn (the team be u-turned was determined by the vote from all teams) and Face Off (teams need to compete against other teams, the winner can go while the loser need to wait another team and compete again ).
Sadly, Taiwan have no official version, there are only fans edition which is an activity made by the fans of reality show.
In the show we can see many beautiful landscape and understand unique custom, sometimes we can
see contestant learning the local traditional techniques, eating their food or we can watch the real life the locals have. Watch this just like have a trip around the world, the real funny part of it can be experienced only by watch it. If you have time, I really recommend you to watch it.
Here's another episode shoot in Taiwan:
2015年10月22日 星期四
Week 4 : The Amazing Race (2)
Hi everyone, this week I continued from last week's article, I will talk about more items in the amazing race.
Prize or punishment:
The winner of a leg will receive prize, in the early leg of a season (instead of prize like trip, cars, money etc.) the prize will be something special like:
Expresss pass: Contestents can use it to skip a task.
The save: Contestents can use it to prevent elimination.
Double your money: If this team win this season they will win two million dollars.
There are also some punishment:
Hazard: It is a additional mission give to the last team to finish the start line task.
Speed bump: In some leg the last team to arrived won't be eliminated and they need to compete this extra mission sometimes in the next leg.

Sometimes teams will meet the following things which may affect they:
Teams who arrive at this sign can choose to yield another team(teams can only use this power once in the game), if the yielded team arrive at yield they need to stop for a period of time (about 15 minute) only when the time pass they can go back to the game.

U-Turn will appear after a detour, teams who use the u-turn can force another teams to do another detour which they don't want to do at first (teams can only use this power once in the game). And it has a variant, "Blind u-turn" which teams cann't know which team u-turn themself.

Prize or punishment:
The winner of a leg will receive prize, in the early leg of a season (instead of prize like trip, cars, money etc.) the prize will be something special like:
Expresss pass: Contestents can use it to skip a task.
The save: Contestents can use it to prevent elimination.
Double your money: If this team win this season they will win two million dollars.
Hazard: It is a additional mission give to the last team to finish the start line task.
Speed bump: In some leg the last team to arrived won't be eliminated and they need to compete this extra mission sometimes in the next leg.

Sometimes teams will meet the following things which may affect they:
Teams who arrive at this sign can choose to yield another team(teams can only use this power once in the game), if the yielded team arrive at yield they need to stop for a period of time (about 15 minute) only when the time pass they can go back to the game.

U-Turn will appear after a detour, teams who use the u-turn can force another teams to do another detour which they don't want to do at first (teams can only use this power once in the game). And it has a variant, "Blind u-turn" which teams cann't know which team u-turn themself.

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